水彩风景画夏天 组图

在红磨坊`At the Moulin Rouge  by Henri de Toulouse-Latrec

在红磨坊`At the Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Latrec

阿尔及尔的女人们在他们的公寓里,大约1834年`Women of Algiers in their Apartment, circa 1834 by Eugene Delacroix

阿尔及尔的女人们在他们的公寓里,大约1834年`Women of Algiers in their Apartment, circa 1834 by Eugene Delacroix

《女子与孩子》,1454年`Virgin and Child, 1454 by Dieric Bouts

《女子与孩子》,1454年`Virgin and Child, 1454 by Dieric Bouts

荷兰女人站在左边的沙丘上`Dutchwoman, standing in the dunes to the left by Max Liebermann

荷兰女人站在左边的沙丘上`Dutchwoman, standing in the dunes to the left by Max Liebermann

麦当娜带着孩子`Madonna with the Child by Girolamo da Santacroce

麦当娜带着孩子`Madonna with the Child by Girolamo da Santacroce

国别访问`Country Visit

国别访问`Country Visit

野餐,1876年`The Picnic, 1876 by James Tissot

野餐,1876年`The Picnic, 1876 by James Tissot

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