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水果摊贩`The Fruit Vendors by Alfredo Ramos Martinez

水果摊贩`The Fruit Vendors by Alfredo Ramos Martinez

奇斯威克浴室,伦敦`Chiswick Baths, London by John Lavery

奇斯威克浴室,伦敦`Chiswick Baths, London by John Lavery

和卖丝带的农村妇女在一起的士兵`Soldier with Country Women Selling Ribbons

和卖丝带的农村妇女在一起的士兵`Soldier with Country Women Selling Ribbons

康尼岛的牡蛎卖家`The Oyster Seller, Coney Island by Samuel S Carr

康尼岛的牡蛎卖家`The Oyster Seller, Coney Island by Samuel S Carr

双陆棋运动员`Backgammon Players by Jean Beraud

双陆棋运动员`Backgammon Players by Jean Beraud

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·夏勒,1893年` Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler, 1893 by John Singer Sargent

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·夏勒,1893年` Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler, 1893 by John Singer Sargent

帷幔`The Vail

帷幔`The Vail

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