设计素描对比手法作品 组图

凯瑟琳·罗森`Katherine Rosen

凯瑟琳·罗森`Katherine Rosen

直门的守望者`The Watchers of the Straight Gate by Anna Lea Merritt

直门的守望者`The Watchers of the Straight Gate by Anna Lea Merritt

美杜莎,蛇发女怪`Medusa, Gorgon by Vincenzo Gemito

美杜莎,蛇发女怪`Medusa, Gorgon by Vincenzo Gemito

加缪夫人,1870年`Madame Camus, 1870 by Edgar Degas

加缪夫人,1870年`Madame Camus, 1870 by Edgar Degas

阿道夫和卡塔丽娜·克罗泽`Adolph and Catharina Croeser

阿道夫和卡塔丽娜·克罗泽`Adolph and Catharina Croeser

《圣母霍德吉特里亚》,1482年`The Virgin Hodegetria, 1482 by Dionisy

《圣母霍德吉特里亚》,1482年`The Virgin Hodegetria, 1482 by Dionisy

Portrait of a Japanese Woman (Mrs. Kuroki) by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean

一个日本女人的画像(Kuroki夫人)` Portrait of a Japanese Woman (Mrs. Kuroki) by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean

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