中国古代绘画作品和诗词 组图

潘多拉被四季加冕`Pandora Crowned by the Seasons by William Etty

潘多拉被四季加冕`Pandora Crowned by the Seasons by William Etty

在地球上活着`Alive Above the Earth by Charles Campbell

在地球上活着`Alive Above the Earth by Charles Campbell

年轻的圣母玛利亚`Young Virgin Mary by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

年轻的圣母玛利亚`Young Virgin Mary by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

带桃子的女孩`The Girl With Peaches

带桃子的女孩`The Girl With Peaches

四个头Jean Renoir`Four Heads, Jean Renoir by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

四个头Jean Renoir`Four Heads, Jean Renoir by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

制革车间`Tanners Workshop

制革车间`Tanners Workshop

土著女王`An Aboriginal Queen

土著女王`An Aboriginal Queen

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