关于阅读的绘画作品 组图

什么都不做真好`Dolce far niente by John William Godward

什么都不做真好`Dolce far niente by John William Godward

玛莎和玛丽,1896年`Martha and Mary, 1896 by Maurice Denis

玛莎和玛丽,1896年`Martha and Mary, 1896 by Maurice Denis

艾尔斯伯里伯爵夫人戴安娜的肖像`Portrait of Lady Diana, Countess of Ailesbury by Henri Gascar

艾尔斯伯里伯爵夫人戴安娜的肖像`Portrait of Lady Diana, Countess of Ailesbury by Henri Gascar

圣母玛利亚和大天使加布里埃尔`The Annunciation, Virgin Mary and Archangel Gabriel by Jan van Eyck

圣母玛利亚和大天使加布里埃尔`The Annunciation, Virgin Mary and Archangel Gabriel by Jan van Eyck

Women With Flowers (1936)  by Josef Čapek

有花的妇女` Women With Flowers (1936) by Josef Čapek

年轻的奥斯曼帝国`Young Ottoman by Theodoros Ralli

年轻的奥斯曼帝国`Young Ottoman by Theodoros Ralli

回廊里的音乐`Music in the Cloister by August Wilhelm Roesler

回廊里的音乐`Music in the Cloister by August Wilhelm Roesler

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