海报装饰画图片 组图

拿着阳伞的牛顿夫人`Mrs Newton with a Parasol

拿着阳伞的牛顿夫人`Mrs Newton with a Parasol

女人做白日梦`Woman Daydreaming by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

女人做白日梦`Woman Daydreaming by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

戴头巾的年轻女子,1780年`Young Woman with a Turban, 1780 by Jacques-Louis David

戴头巾的年轻女子,1780年`Young Woman with a Turban, 1780 by Jacques-Louis David

预先警告是预先准备好的`Forewarned Is Forearmed

预先警告是预先准备好的`Forewarned Is Forearmed

无瑕受孕,1661年`The Immaculate Conception, 1661 by Francisco de Zurbaran

无瑕受孕,1661年`The Immaculate Conception, 1661 by Francisco de Zurbaran

卡莉女神,骷髅项链`Goddess Kali, Necklace of Skulls by Old Master

卡莉女神,骷髅项链`Goddess Kali, Necklace of Skulls by Old Master

女帽店`The Millinery Shop by Edgar Degas

女帽店`The Millinery Shop by Edgar Degas

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