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玛丽崇拜这个孩子`Mary Worshiping the Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

玛丽崇拜这个孩子`Mary Worshiping the Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

Leonie Rose Charbuy Davy肖像`Portrait of Leonie Rose Charbuy-Davy by Vincent Van Gogh

Leonie Rose Charbuy Davy肖像`Portrait of Leonie Rose Charbuy-Davy by Vincent Van Gogh

1620年《十字架的升起》`The Raising of the Cross, 1620 by Giulio Cesare Procaccini

1620年《十字架的升起》`The Raising of the Cross, 1620 by Giulio Cesare Procaccini

Lise缝纫`Lise Sewing by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Lise缝纫`Lise Sewing by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

玛丽·克劳宁希尔德·恩迪科特·张伯伦,1902年`Mary Crowninshield Endicott Chamberlain, 1902 by John Singer Sargent

玛丽·克劳宁希尔德·恩迪科特·张伯伦,1902年`Mary Crowninshield Endicott Chamberlain, 1902 by John Singer Sargent

艾尔沃斯蒙娜丽莎`The Isleworth Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

艾尔沃斯蒙娜丽莎`The Isleworth Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

《阿斯特拉广告,献给星星》,1894年`Ad Astra, To The Stars, 1894 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

《阿斯特拉广告,献给星星》,1894年`Ad Astra, To The Stars, 1894 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

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