儿童水粉画四级作品 组图

布洛涅别墅`The Chalet du Cycle in the Bois de Boulogne by Jean Beraud

布洛涅别墅`The Chalet du Cycle in the Bois de Boulogne by Jean Beraud

带石榴的女孩`Girl With A Pomegranate

带石榴的女孩`Girl With A Pomegranate

海滩上的优雅`Elegants on the Beach

海滩上的优雅`Elegants on the Beach

在炉边`By the Fireside by Auguste Toulmouche

在炉边`By the Fireside by Auguste Toulmouche

证词`The Deposition

证词`The Deposition

窗边的女孩`Girl At The Window

窗边的女孩`Girl At The Window

威尼斯街头,年轻女子,1882年`Street in Venice, Young Woman, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

威尼斯街头,年轻女子,1882年`Street in Venice, Young Woman, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

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