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1869年的《与河》`With The River, 1869 by Philip Hermogenes Calderon

1869年的《与河》`With The River, 1869 by Philip Hermogenes Calderon

《圣母升天》,1596年`Assumption of the Virgin, 1596 by Guido Reni

《圣母升天》,1596年`Assumption of the Virgin, 1596 by Guido Reni

一个拿着花的年轻女子的半身像`Bust of a young woman with a flower by Giovanni Boldini

一个拿着花的年轻女子的半身像`Bust of a young woman with a flower by Giovanni Boldini

卡德鲁斯公爵夫人玛丽·加布里埃尔·德格拉蒙特肖像`Portrait Of Marie Gabrilell De Gramont, Duchesse De Caderousse

卡德鲁斯公爵夫人玛丽·加布里埃尔·德格拉蒙特肖像`Portrait Of Marie Gabrilell De Gramont, Duchesse De Caderousse

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

读书女孩`Reading girls by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

读书女孩`Reading girls by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

奇斯威克浴室,伦敦`Chiswick Baths, London by John Lavery

奇斯威克浴室,伦敦`Chiswick Baths, London by John Lavery

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