电表箱装饰画花卉现代中式 组图

洗澡前`Before the Bath by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

洗澡前`Before the Bath by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

良心觉醒`The Awakening Conscience by William Holman Hunt

良心觉醒`The Awakening Conscience by William Holman Hunt

列达与天鹅`Leda and the Swan by Paul Cezanne

列达与天鹅`Leda and the Swan by Paul Cezanne

回声和水仙,致命的女人`Echo and Narcissus, Femme Fatale by John William Waterhouse

回声和水仙,致命的女人`Echo and Narcissus, Femme Fatale by John William Waterhouse

在荷兰`In Holland

在荷兰`In Holland

独角兽,贞洁战胜爱情`Unicorns, The Triumph of Chastity over Love by Old Master

独角兽,贞洁战胜爱情`Unicorns, The Triumph of Chastity over Love by Old Master

来自巴黎圣克劳德公园`From St. Cloud Park, Paris by Albert Edelfelt

来自巴黎圣克劳德公园`From St. Cloud Park, Paris by Albert Edelfelt

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