刘小玉山西油画写生作品集 组图

希望和幸福的寓言`Allegory of Hope and Happiness by Niccolo Ricciolini

希望和幸福的寓言`Allegory of Hope and Happiness by Niccolo Ricciolini

海边的孩子们`Children by the Seashore by Charles Courtney Curran

海边的孩子们`Children by the Seashore by Charles Courtney Curran

哥特式拱廊中的女人`Woman in a Gothic Arcade

哥特式拱廊中的女人`Woman in a Gothic Arcade

女性形象,吹泡泡,骑着飞马飞过一座工业城市,1837年`Female figure, blowing bubbles, riding Pegasus over an industrial city, 1837 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel

女性形象,吹泡泡,骑着飞马飞过一座工业城市,1837年`Female figure, blowing bubbles, riding Pegasus over an industrial city, 1837 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel

凯瑟琳·罗森`Katherine Rosen

凯瑟琳·罗森`Katherine Rosen

圣母玛利亚的诞生`The Birth of the Virgin Mary by Andres Lopez

圣母玛利亚的诞生`The Birth of the Virgin Mary by Andres Lopez

阿尔多布兰迪尼麦当娜`The Aldobrandini Madonna by Titian

阿尔多布兰迪尼麦当娜`The Aldobrandini Madonna by Titian

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