初中生法治绘画作品 组图

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

潘多拉`Pandora by Barend Graat

潘多拉`Pandora by Barend Graat

风暴之魂,雨与雷雨之魂,1900年`The Storm Spirits, spirits of Rain and Thunderclouds, 1900 by Evelyn De Morgan

风暴之魂,雨与雷雨之魂,1900年`The Storm Spirits, spirits of Rain and Thunderclouds, 1900 by Evelyn De Morgan

那个女人通奸了`The Woman Taken in Adultery by John Trumbull

那个女人通奸了`The Woman Taken in Adultery by John Trumbull

拿着阳伞的牛顿夫人`Mrs Newton with a Parasol

拿着阳伞的牛顿夫人`Mrs Newton with a Parasol

霍皮女人,1910年`Hopi Woman, 1910 by William Robinson Leigh

霍皮女人,1910年`Hopi Woman, 1910 by William Robinson Leigh

罗马圣塞西莉亚`Saint Cecilia of Rome by Francesco Hayez

罗马圣塞西莉亚`Saint Cecilia of Rome by Francesco Hayez

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