张辉版画作品 组图

针织女性 – 素描`
Knitting women – sketch (1918)  by Tadeusz Makowski

针织女性 – 素描` Knitting women – sketch (1918) by Tadeusz Makowski

吸血鬼,1895年`Vampire, 1895 by Edvard Munch

吸血鬼,1895年`Vampire, 1895 by Edvard Munch

耶稣会圣洁的受孕`The Immaculate Conception with Jesuits by Juan Francisco de Aguilera

耶稣会圣洁的受孕`The Immaculate Conception with Jesuits by Juan Francisco de Aguilera

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

阿德莱德山附近的原住民营地`An Aboriginal Encampment near the Adelaide Hills by Alexander Schramm

阿德莱德山附近的原住民营地`An Aboriginal Encampment near the Adelaide Hills by Alexander Schramm

《基督与通奸》,1532年`Christ and the Adulteress, 1532 by Lucas Cranach the Elder

《基督与通奸》,1532年`Christ and the Adulteress, 1532 by Lucas Cranach the Elder

远方的一张纸条`A note from afar by Oliver Rhys

远方的一张纸条`A note from afar by Oliver Rhys

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