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穿白衣服的女士,温伯恩子爵夫人`The Lady in White, Viscountess Wimborne by John Lavery

穿白衣服的女士,温伯恩子爵夫人`The Lady in White, Viscountess Wimborne by John Lavery

一首歌,尼姑`A Song, Nun by Hermann von Kaulbach

一首歌,尼姑`A Song, Nun by Hermann von Kaulbach

圣多明尼克和圣罗斯玫瑰圣母院,1750年`Our Lady of the Rosary with Saint Dominic and Saint Rose, 1750 by Cusco School

圣多明尼克和圣罗斯玫瑰圣母院,1750年`Our Lady of the Rosary with Saint Dominic and Saint Rose, 1750 by Cusco School

伟大的红龙和穿着太阳的女人1803-1805`The Great Red Dragon and the Woman clothed with the Sun 1803-1805 by William Blake

伟大的红龙和穿着太阳的女人1803-1805`The Great Red Dragon and the Woman clothed with the Sun 1803-1805 by William Blake

带着一只小狗的女人,还有一个女佣`Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant by Frans van Mieris

带着一只小狗的女人,还有一个女佣`Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant by Frans van Mieris

箭领和克莱特衬衫,1911年`Arrow Collars and Cluett Shirts, 1911 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

箭领和克莱特衬衫,1911年`Arrow Collars and Cluett Shirts, 1911 by Joseph Christian Leyendecker

劳拉·埃德加被捕`The Capture of Laura Edgar by Charles Marion Russell

劳拉·埃德加被捕`The Capture of Laura Edgar by Charles Marion Russell

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