岭南人物黑白装饰画 组图

1899年的信号`The Signal, 1899 by John William Godward

1899年的信号`The Signal, 1899 by John William Godward

离开大歌剧院的化妆舞会`Leaving the Masquerade Ball at the Grand Opera by Jean-Louis Forain

离开大歌剧院的化妆舞会`Leaving the Masquerade Ball at the Grand Opera by Jean-Louis Forain

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

《干树的圣母》,1465年`The Virgin of the dry Tree, 1465 by Petrus Christus

《干树的圣母》,1465年`The Virgin of the dry Tree, 1465 by Petrus Christus

红头巾,1873年`The Red Kerchief, 1873 by Claude Monet

红头巾,1873年`The Red Kerchief, 1873 by Claude Monet

拔掉椒盐卷饼`Pulling Of The Pretzel

拔掉椒盐卷饼`Pulling Of The Pretzel

晨行`Morning Walk

晨行`Morning Walk

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