西南大学朱沙油画作品 组图

巴黎乞丐女孩`A Parisian Beggar Girl

巴黎乞丐女孩`A Parisian Beggar Girl

圣母加冕礼`Coronation Of The Virgin

圣母加冕礼`Coronation Of The Virgin

一位绅士开着一辆豪华轿车载着一位女士`A Gentleman driving a Lady in a Phaeton by George Stubbs

一位绅士开着一辆豪华轿车载着一位女士`A Gentleman driving a Lady in a Phaeton by George Stubbs

歌剧院的蒙面舞会`Masked Ball At The Opera

歌剧院的蒙面舞会`Masked Ball At The Opera

显微镜`The Microscope

显微镜`The Microscope

《老太太的拜访》,1876年`A Visit from the Old Mistress, 1876 by Winslow Homer

《老太太的拜访》,1876年`A Visit from the Old Mistress, 1876 by Winslow Homer

一个女人靠着一棵罗望子树的肖像`Portrait of a Woman against a Rowanberry Tree by Jacek Malczewski

一个女人靠着一棵罗望子树的肖像`Portrait of a Woman against a Rowanberry Tree by Jacek Malczewski

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