怀柔教师油画作品 组图

托马斯·科尔特曼先生和夫人`Mr and Mrs Thomas Coltman by Joseph Wright

托马斯·科尔特曼先生和夫人`Mr and Mrs Thomas Coltman by Joseph Wright

1645年,一个开着的半扇门前的年轻女子`Young Woman at an Open Half-Door, 1645 by Rembrandt van Rijn

1645年,一个开着的半扇门前的年轻女子`Young Woman at an Open Half-Door, 1645 by Rembrandt van Rijn

两个艺妓和一个醉醺醺的客户`Two Geishas and a Tipsy Client

两个艺妓和一个醉醺醺的客户`Two Geishas and a Tipsy Client

《圣母的假设》,1577年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577 by El Greco

《圣母的假设》,1577年`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577 by El Greco

对欧罗巴的强奸`The Rape of Europa

对欧罗巴的强奸`The Rape of Europa

和爷爷一起散步`A Walk with Grandpa by Augustus Edwin Mulready

和爷爷一起散步`A Walk with Grandpa by Augustus Edwin Mulready

Adeline Ravoux,1890年`Adeline Ravoux, 1890 by Vincent van Gogh

Adeline Ravoux,1890年`Adeline Ravoux, 1890 by Vincent van Gogh

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