中国知名油画作品 组图

良心觉醒`The Awakening Conscience by William Holman Hunt

良心觉醒`The Awakening Conscience by William Holman Hunt

Woman in Muslin Dress (Femme en robe de mousseline) (1917)  by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

柔滑的妇女在柔滑的妇女(妇女在柔滑的妇女穿戴)` Woman in Muslin Dress (Femme en robe de mousseline) (1917) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

有孩子的母亲`Mother with Child by Franz Dvorak

有孩子的母亲`Mother with Child by Franz Dvorak

安达卢西亚的天井`An andalusian patio by Julio Romero de Torres

安达卢西亚的天井`An andalusian patio by Julio Romero de Torres

伊丽莎白一世`Elizabeth I

伊丽莎白一世`Elizabeth I

安提约克和斯特拉托尼斯,1838年`Antiochus and Stratonice, 1838 by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

安提约克和斯特拉托尼斯,1838年`Antiochus and Stratonice, 1838 by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

春舞`Spring Dance by Arthur F Mathews

春舞`Spring Dance by Arthur F Mathews

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