古典唯美伤感诗词图片 组图

坐在沙发上的裸体女人,1876年`Nude woman sitting on the couch, 1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

坐在沙发上的裸体女人,1876年`Nude woman sitting on the couch, 1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

赤裸裸的真相和嫉妒`Naked Truth and Envy by Gustav Klimt

赤裸裸的真相和嫉妒`Naked Truth and Envy by Gustav Klimt

缓解忧郁`Relief Blues by Osvaldo Guglielmi

缓解忧郁`Relief Blues by Osvaldo Guglielmi

18世纪的春天`Spring, 18th century by Unknown

18世纪的春天`Spring, 18th century by Unknown

奉献,1908年`Devotion, 1908 by Piet Mondrian

奉献,1908年`Devotion, 1908 by Piet Mondrian

拉穆斯,1888年,文森特·梵高`La Mousme, 1888 by Vincent van Gogh by Vincent van Gogh

拉穆斯,1888年,文森特·梵高`La Mousme, 1888 by Vincent van Gogh by Vincent van Gogh

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言,1635-1638年`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts, 1635-1638 by Artemisia Gentileschi

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言,1635-1638年`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts, 1635-1638 by Artemisia Gentileschi

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