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公主离开了学校`The Princess Out of School by Edward Robert Hughes

公主离开了学校`The Princess Out of School by Edward Robert Hughes

复活的基督向圣母显现,1708年`The Risen Christ Appearing to the Virgin, 1708 by Francesco Solimena

复活的基督向圣母显现,1708年`The Risen Christ Appearing to the Virgin, 1708 by Francesco Solimena

圣凯瑟琳与天使`Saint Catherine and Angels by Heinrich Mucke

圣凯瑟琳与天使`Saint Catherine and Angels by Heinrich Mucke

卡梅利塔·雷克纳`Carmelita Requena

卡梅利塔·雷克纳`Carmelita Requena

19世纪,开罗,描绘阿拉伯营地的旅行艺术家`Travelling Artists Sketching An Arab Encampment, Cairo, 19th century by Emile Vernet-Lecomte

19世纪,开罗,描绘阿拉伯营地的旅行艺术家`Travelling Artists Sketching An Arab Encampment, Cairo, 19th century by Emile Vernet-Lecomte

红发女子`Woman with Red Hair by Albert Herter

红发女子`Woman with Red Hair by Albert Herter

艾比盖尔·史密斯·亚当斯,约翰·亚当斯夫人,1800-1815年`Abigail Smith Adams, Mrs. John Adams, 1800-1815 by Gilbert Stuart

艾比盖尔·史密斯·亚当斯,约翰·亚当斯夫人,1800-1815年`Abigail Smith Adams, Mrs. John Adams, 1800-1815 by Gilbert Stuart

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