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香槟打印机出版商`Champagne Printer Publisher

香槟打印机出版商`Champagne Printer Publisher

长凳上的女人`Woman On A Bench

长凳上的女人`Woman On A Bench

琵琶手自画像,1615-1618年`Self Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615-1618 by Artemisia Gentileschi

琵琶手自画像,1615-1618年`Self Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615-1618 by Artemisia Gentileschi

麦当娜和孩子与男性圣徒、亚历山大的凯瑟琳和捐赠者`Madonna and Child with a Male Saint, Catherine of Alexandria and a Donor by Michelangelo di Pietro Membrini

麦当娜和孩子与男性圣徒、亚历山大的凯瑟琳和捐赠者`Madonna and Child with a Male Saint, Catherine of Alexandria and a Donor by Michelangelo di Pietro Membrini

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图4`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.4 by Giulio Romano

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图4`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.4 by Giulio Romano

施洗者圣约翰在旷野向群众布道`Saint John The Baptist Preaching To The Masses In The Wilderness

施洗者圣约翰在旷野向群众布道`Saint John The Baptist Preaching To The Masses In The Wilderness

傍晚的空气`The Evening Air

傍晚的空气`The Evening Air

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