柯南手绘铅笔画 组图

科林斯女仆`The Corinthian Maid

科林斯女仆`The Corinthian Maid

南的肖像,1931年`Portrait of Nan, 1931 by Grant Wood

南的肖像,1931年`Portrait of Nan, 1931 by Grant Wood

下午,黄色房间,1910年弗雷德里克·卡尔·弗里塞克`Afternoon, Yellow Room, 1910 by Frederick Carl Frieseke by Frederick Carl Frieseke

下午,黄色房间,1910年弗雷德里克·卡尔·弗里塞克`Afternoon, Yellow Room, 1910 by Frederick Carl Frieseke by Frederick Carl Frieseke

麦当娜和耶稣的孩子`Madonna and Jesus Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

麦当娜和耶稣的孩子`Madonna and Jesus Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

约瑟芬针织`Josephine Knitting by Edmund Tarbell

约瑟芬针织`Josephine Knitting by Edmund Tarbell

丢脸`In Disgrace by Charles Burton Barber

丢脸`In Disgrace by Charles Burton Barber

夫人在喷泉的庭院里 – 春天`
Lady in the garden at a fountain – Springtime (1926)  by Leon Kamir-Kaufmann

夫人在喷泉的庭院里 – 春天` Lady in the garden at a fountain – Springtime (1926) by Leon Kamir-Kaufmann

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