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洗澡前`Before the Bath by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

洗澡前`Before the Bath by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

高尔夫球手`The Golfers

高尔夫球手`The Golfers

布林希尔德发现了西格兰和西格蒙德`The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Siegland and Sigmund by Gaston Bussiere

布林希尔德发现了西格兰和西格蒙德`The Revelation, Brynhild Discovering Siegland and Sigmund by Gaston Bussiere

辛内科克岛的夏天`Summer at Shinnecock Island

辛内科克岛的夏天`Summer at Shinnecock Island

1665年的女性肖像`Portrait of a Woman, 1665 by Gerard ter Borch

1665年的女性肖像`Portrait of a Woman, 1665 by Gerard ter Borch

罗马的奴隶市场`The slave market in Rome by Jean-Leon Gerome

罗马的奴隶市场`The slave market in Rome by Jean-Leon Gerome

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