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罗莎蒙德`Fair Rosamund

罗莎蒙德`Fair Rosamund

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

教皇格雷戈里十六世在苏比亚克参观圣贝内代托教堂`Pope Gregory XVI Vistiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiac

戴斗篷的女人`Woman with Capeline by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

戴斗篷的女人`Woman with Capeline by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

西格·泰尔夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Signe Thiel by Carl Larsson

西格·泰尔夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Signe Thiel by Carl Larsson

浪漫邂逅,1864年`Romantic Encounter, 1864 by Mihaly Zichy

浪漫邂逅,1864年`Romantic Encounter, 1864 by Mihaly Zichy



《玫瑰圣母》,1903年`The Madonna of the Roses, 1903 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

《玫瑰圣母》,1903年`The Madonna of the Roses, 1903 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

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