宾馆壁画酒店装饰画 组图

特里波特`Le Tripot

特里波特`Le Tripot

厕所,1873年`The Toilet, 1873 by Eastman Johnson

厕所,1873年`The Toilet, 1873 by Eastman Johnson

海滩上的人物,1890年`Figures on the beach, 1890 by Auguste Renoir

海滩上的人物,1890年`Figures on the beach, 1890 by Auguste Renoir

阿黛尔·布洛赫·鲍尔肖像`Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer by Gustav Klimt

阿黛尔·布洛赫·鲍尔肖像`Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer by Gustav Klimt

圣母与圣人伯纳德、伯纳迪诺和天使一起崇拜基督的孩子`The Virgin in Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Bernard and Bernardino and Angels by Sano di Pietro

圣母与圣人伯纳德、伯纳迪诺和天使一起崇拜基督的孩子`The Virgin in Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Bernard and Bernardino and Angels by Sano di Pietro

紧急情况`The Emergency by Andreas Achenbach

紧急情况`The Emergency by Andreas Achenbach

对东方三博士的崇拜,16世纪`The Adoration of the Magi, 16th Century by Hieronymus Bosch

对东方三博士的崇拜,16世纪`The Adoration of the Magi, 16th Century by Hieronymus Bosch

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