儿童卡通装饰画无框画 组图

1880-1881年划船派对午餐`Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1880-81 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

1880-1881年划船派对午餐`Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1880-81 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

丘比特凯旋`Amor Triumphant by Friedrich Bury

丘比特凯旋`Amor Triumphant by Friedrich Bury

乌瓦兹河畔奥弗斯的教堂`The Church in Auvers-sur-Oise

乌瓦兹河畔奥弗斯的教堂`The Church in Auvers-sur-Oise

回忆与遗憾`Memories and Regrets by Alfred Stevens

回忆与遗憾`Memories and Regrets by Alfred Stevens



睡在树下的女人,1901年`Woman sleeping under the tree, 1901  by 奥迪隆·雷东

睡在树下的女人,1901年`Woman sleeping under the tree, 1901 by 奥迪隆·雷东

萨比斯科夫保龄球馆,春天的早晨`Bowling Alley in Saeby Skov, Spring Morning by Carl Frederik Aagaard

萨比斯科夫保龄球馆,春天的早晨`Bowling Alley in Saeby Skov, Spring Morning by Carl Frederik Aagaard

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