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贝多芬的诗中,对幸福的渴望得到了安抚`Beethoven Frieze, The Longing for Happiness Finds Appeasement in Poetry by Gustav Klimt

贝多芬的诗中,对幸福的渴望得到了安抚`Beethoven Frieze, The Longing for Happiness Finds Appeasement in Poetry by Gustav Klimt

理想,灵魂之诗`The Ideal, Poem of the Soul by Louis Janmot

理想,灵魂之诗`The Ideal, Poem of the Soul by Louis Janmot

梦的结束`The End of a Dream

梦的结束`The End of a Dream

玫瑰女孩`Girl With Roses

玫瑰女孩`Girl With Roses

身着土耳其服装的法国玛丽亚·阿德莱德`Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume by Jean-Etienne Liotard

身着土耳其服装的法国玛丽亚·阿德莱德`Maria Adelaide of France in Turkish costume by Jean-Etienne Liotard

Holyday,1876年`Holyday, 1876 by James Tissot

Holyday,1876年`Holyday, 1876 by James Tissot

死亡杯,1911年`The Cup of Death, 1911 by Elihu Vedder

死亡杯,1911年`The Cup of Death, 1911 by Elihu Vedder

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