密集建筑抽象画 组图

圣佩德罗修道院,我们的白雪公主`The Monastery of San Pedro, Our Lady of the Snows by Frederic Edwin Church

圣佩德罗修道院,我们的白雪公主`The Monastery of San Pedro, Our Lady of the Snows by Frederic Edwin Church

日本室内的年轻女子`Young woman in a Japanese interior by Leon Herbo

日本室内的年轻女子`Young woman in a Japanese interior by Leon Herbo

拿着一篮玫瑰的年轻漂亮女人`Young beautiful woman with a basket of roses by Federico Andreotti

拿着一篮玫瑰的年轻漂亮女人`Young beautiful woman with a basket of roses by Federico Andreotti

寓言少女`Allegorical Maidens by George Dunlop Leslie

寓言少女`Allegorical Maidens by George Dunlop Leslie

贝多芬雕带,1902年`The Beethoven Frieze, 1902 by Gustav Klimt

贝多芬雕带,1902年`The Beethoven Frieze, 1902 by Gustav Klimt

在剧院`At the Theatre by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

在剧院`At the Theatre by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

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