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1884年在罗马出售一名女奴`Sale of a Slave Girl in Rome, 1884 by Jean-Leon Gerome

1884年在罗马出售一名女奴`Sale of a Slave Girl in Rome, 1884 by Jean-Leon Gerome

摩纳哥蒙特卡洛`Monaco Monte Carlo

摩纳哥蒙特卡洛`Monaco Monte Carlo

阿拉贝拉·沃德夫人`Lady Arabella Ward

阿拉贝拉·沃德夫人`Lady Arabella Ward

1720年,圣徒们向圣母和圣婴献上一位虔诚的女人`Saints Presenting a Devout Woman to the Virgin and Child, 1720 by Giovanni Battista Pittoni

1720年,圣徒们向圣母和圣婴献上一位虔诚的女人`Saints Presenting a Devout Woman to the Virgin and Child, 1720 by Giovanni Battista Pittoni

手持琵琶的年轻女子,1663年`Young Woman with a Lute, 1663 by 维米尔

手持琵琶的年轻女子,1663年`Young Woman with a Lute, 1663 by 维米尔

路西法,娜塔莉·克利福德·巴尼`Lucifer, Natalie Clifford Barney by Alice Pike Barney

路西法,娜塔莉·克利福德·巴尼`Lucifer, Natalie Clifford Barney by Alice Pike Barney

爱德华·佩列伦夫人肖像,1879年`Portrait of Madame Edouard Pailleron, 1879 by John Singer Sargent

爱德华·佩列伦夫人肖像,1879年`Portrait of Madame Edouard Pailleron, 1879 by John Singer Sargent

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