速写风景画枯木 组图

威廉三世和玛丽·斯图尔特的加冕礼`The Coronation of William III and Mary Stuart by Charles Rochussen

威廉三世和玛丽·斯图尔特的加冕礼`The Coronation of William III and Mary Stuart by Charles Rochussen

崇拜主人的女子`The Virgin Adoring The Host

崇拜主人的女子`The Virgin Adoring The Host

雨伞`The Umbrellas

雨伞`The Umbrellas

建筑幻想`An Architectural Fantasy by Dirck van Delen

建筑幻想`An Architectural Fantasy by Dirck van Delen

1899年,利未人的妻子在以法莲山`Levite\’s Wife on Mount Ephraim, 1899 by Epifanio Julian Garay Caicedo

1899年,利未人的妻子在以法莲山`Levite\’s Wife on Mount Ephraim, 1899 by Epifanio Julian Garay Caicedo

圣约瑟夫之死`Death of Saint Joseph by William Blake

圣约瑟夫之死`Death of Saint Joseph by William Blake

微笑吧,即使很痛`Smile, Even if it Hurts by Harrison Fisher

微笑吧,即使很痛`Smile, Even if it Hurts by Harrison Fisher

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