一凡画家人物画 组图

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

莫希尼还是诱惑者`Mohini or the Temptress by Ravi Varma

莫希尼还是诱惑者`Mohini or the Temptress by Ravi Varma

公正的反思,·A Fair Reflection, 19th century by John William Godward

公正的反思,·A Fair Reflection, 19th century by John William Godward

一列火车抵达维也纳西北站`Arrival of a Train at Vienna Northwest Station by Karl Karger

一列火车抵达维也纳西北站`Arrival of a Train at Vienna Northwest Station by Karl Karger

1799年,已婚男子和已婚女子之间的秘密恋情`Secret Affair between a Married Man and a Married Woman, 1799 by Kitagawa Utamaro

1799年,已婚男子和已婚女子之间的秘密恋情`Secret Affair between a Married Man and a Married Woman, 1799 by Kitagawa Utamaro

1499年,一个穿着绿色衣服的天使和一个维耶尔`An Angel in Green with a Vielle, 1499 by Francesco Napoletano

1499年,一个穿着绿色衣服的天使和一个维耶尔`An Angel in Green with a Vielle, 1499 by Francesco Napoletano

雷霆制造者`The Lei Maker  by Theodore Wores

雷霆制造者`The Lei Maker by Theodore Wores

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