人物画 色彩构图 组图

源头的力量`Power of the Source by Jacek Malczewski

源头的力量`Power of the Source by Jacek Malczewski

独立一百周年`A Centennial of Independence by Henri Rousseau

独立一百周年`A Centennial of Independence by Henri Rousseau

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言,1635-1638年`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts, 1635-1638 by Artemisia Gentileschi

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言,1635-1638年`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts, 1635-1638 by Artemisia Gentileschi

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

蝙蝠女`The Bat Woman by Albert Joseph Penot

蝙蝠女`The Bat Woman by Albert Joseph Penot

深思`Contemplation by Eugen von Blaas

深思`Contemplation by Eugen von Blaas

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

弗洛伦斯·西特纳姆·戴维,兰德尔·戴维夫人,1914年`Florence Sittenham Davey, Mrs. Randall Davey, 1914 by George Bellows

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