大师的画按平方尺卖 组图

两个天使`Two Angels by Hans Memling

两个天使`Two Angels by Hans Memling

圣母玛利亚,1907年`Blessed Virgin Mary, 1907 by Evelyn De Morgan

圣母玛利亚,1907年`Blessed Virgin Mary, 1907 by Evelyn De Morgan

处决简·格雷夫人`The Execution of Lady Jane Grey

处决简·格雷夫人`The Execution of Lady Jane Grey

在去节日的路上`On the way to the Festival by Charles William Wyllie

在去节日的路上`On the way to the Festival by Charles William Wyllie

哈里托涅科姐妹埃琳娜·乌鲁索娃公主和娜塔莉亚·斯滕博克·费尔默伯爵夫人的肖像,1`Portrait of the Kharitonenko sisters, Princess Elena Urusova and Countess Natalia Stenbock-Fermor, 1 by Paul Albert Besnard

哈里托涅科姐妹埃琳娜·乌鲁索娃公主和娜塔莉亚·斯滕博克·费尔默伯爵夫人的肖像,1`Portrait of the Kharitonenko sisters, Princess Elena Urusova and Countess Natalia Stenbock-Fermor, 1 by Paul Albert Besnard

两个奇怪的侧面`Two grotesque profiles confronted by Leonardo da Vinci

两个奇怪的侧面`Two grotesque profiles confronted by Leonardo da Vinci

画室田园诗,艺术家的妻子和他们的女儿`A Studio Idyll, The Artist\’s Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson

画室田园诗,艺术家的妻子和他们的女儿`A Studio Idyll, The Artist\’s Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson

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