画牡丹花的国画大师是谁 组图

木筏`The Raft by William James Glackens

木筏`The Raft by William James Glackens

尤利西斯与赛壬`Ulysses and the Sirens by Leon Belly

尤利西斯与赛壬`Ulysses and the Sirens by Leon Belly

林间空地`A Ti-tree Glade

林间空地`A Ti-tree Glade

奥菲莉亚,1895年`Ophelia, 1895 by Paul Albert Steck

奥菲莉亚,1895年`Ophelia, 1895 by Paul Albert Steck

戴红帽子的女孩`Girl with the Red Hat by 维米尔

戴红帽子的女孩`Girl with the Red Hat by 维米尔

基督教殉道者最后的祈祷`The Christian Martyrs\’ Last Prayer by Jean-Leon Gerome

基督教殉道者最后的祈祷`The Christian Martyrs\’ Last Prayer by Jean-Leon Gerome

一位年轻女子的肖像,1470年`Portrait of a Young Woman, 1470 by Petrus Christus

一位年轻女子的肖像,1470年`Portrait of a Young Woman, 1470 by Petrus Christus

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