成语取名大师儿童画 组图

《通知》,1540年`The Annunciation, 1540 by Girolamo da Santacroce

《通知》,1540年`The Annunciation, 1540 by Girolamo da Santacroce

麦当娜·拉伯里斯,1933年`Madonna Laboris, 1933 by Nicholas Roerich

麦当娜·拉伯里斯,1933年`Madonna Laboris, 1933 by Nicholas Roerich

蓝丝带`The Blue Ribbon by Alfred Stevens

蓝丝带`The Blue Ribbon by Alfred Stevens

独角兽`Unicorn by Netherlandish School

独角兽`Unicorn by Netherlandish School

坐在沙发上的裸体女人,1876年`Nude woman sitting on the couch, 1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

坐在沙发上的裸体女人,1876年`Nude woman sitting on the couch, 1876 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

一位身穿蓝色连衣裙的女士的肖像`Portrait Of A Lady In A Blue Dress

一位身穿蓝色连衣裙的女士的肖像`Portrait Of A Lady In A Blue Dress

1799年,已婚男子和已婚女子之间的秘密恋情`Secret Affair between a Married Man and a Married Woman, 1799 by Kitagawa Utamaro

1799年,已婚男子和已婚女子之间的秘密恋情`Secret Affair between a Married Man and a Married Woman, 1799 by Kitagawa Utamaro

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