李自健画星云大师 组图

Lady With Hat (1909)  by Sigismund Righini

戴着帽子的夫人` Lady With Hat (1909) by Sigismund Righini

特蕾丝·伯拉德,1879年`Therese Berard, 1879 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

特蕾丝·伯拉德,1879年`Therese Berard, 1879 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

瓜达卢佩圣母,1700年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1700 by Mexican School

瓜达卢佩圣母,1700年`Virgin of Guadalupe, 1700 by Mexican School

调情`The Flirtation by Eugen von Blaas

调情`The Flirtation by Eugen von Blaas

《花园里的女人》,1890年`Woman in Garden, 1890 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

《花园里的女人》,1890年`Woman in Garden, 1890 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

三个命运`The Three Fates

三个命运`The Three Fates

19世纪,开罗,描绘阿拉伯营地的旅行艺术家`Travelling Artists Sketching An Arab Encampment, Cairo, 19th century by Emile Vernet-Lecomte

19世纪,开罗,描绘阿拉伯营地的旅行艺术家`Travelling Artists Sketching An Arab Encampment, Cairo, 19th century by Emile Vernet-Lecomte

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