世界顶级艺术风景画 组图

河边的小路,梅登黑德`The Path by the River, Maidenhead by Sir John Lavery

河边的小路,梅登黑德`The Path by the River, Maidenhead by Sir John Lavery

《带向日葵的女孩》,1893年`Girl with Sunflowers, 1893 by Michael Ancher

《带向日葵的女孩》,1893年`Girl with Sunflowers, 1893 by Michael Ancher

布道的景象,雅各布与天使摔跤`Vision of the Sermon, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Paul Gauguin

布道的景象,雅各布与天使摔跤`Vision of the Sermon, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Paul Gauguin

圣母与圣徒杰罗姆、彼得、方济各和一名身份不明的女圣徒的孩子,1505年`The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome, Peter, Francis and an Unidentified Female Saint, 1505 by Lorenzo Lotto

圣母与圣徒杰罗姆、彼得、方济各和一名身份不明的女圣徒的孩子,1505年`The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome, Peter, Francis and an Unidentified Female Saint, 1505 by Lorenzo Lotto

带着两头母牛的年轻女子`Young Woman with Two Cows by Julien Dupre

带着两头母牛的年轻女子`Young Woman with Two Cows by Julien Dupre

1885年恒河上的运水者`Water Carriers of the Ganges, 1885 by Edwin Lord Weeks

1885年恒河上的运水者`Water Carriers of the Ganges, 1885 by Edwin Lord Weeks

清教徒和骑士`Puritan And Cavalier

清教徒和骑士`Puritan And Cavalier

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