胡佩衡人物画大全图 组图

神圣的家庭`The Holy Family

神圣的家庭`The Holy Family

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Fra Angelico

圣母加冕礼,1420年`Coronation of the Virgin, 1420 by Fra Angelico

公告`The Annunciation by Maurice Denis

公告`The Annunciation by Maurice Denis

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

巴黎市场`The Parisienne Market by Victor Gabriel Gilbert

巴黎市场`The Parisienne Market by Victor Gabriel Gilbert

给圣母玛利亚的通告`The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary by John William Waterhouse

给圣母玛利亚的通告`The Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary by John William Waterhouse

海伦把她带到了巴黎`Helen brought to Paris

海伦把她带到了巴黎`Helen brought to Paris

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