水上的风景画 组图

一个月的补`A Month\’s Darning by Enoch Wood Perry

一个月的补`A Month\’s Darning by Enoch Wood Perry

哥特式拱廊中的女人`Woman in a Gothic Arcade

哥特式拱廊中的女人`Woman in a Gothic Arcade

有孩子的麦当娜,1616-1686年`Madonna with Child, 1616-1686 by Carlo Dolci

有孩子的麦当娜,1616-1686年`Madonna with Child, 1616-1686 by Carlo Dolci

《麦当娜与孩子》,1470年`Madonna and Child, 1470 by Sandro Botticelli

《麦当娜与孩子》,1470年`Madonna and Child, 1470 by Sandro Botticelli

下十字架`Descent from the Cross by Russian Icon

下十字架`Descent from the Cross by Russian Icon

Portrait of a Japanese Woman (Mrs. Kuroki) by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean

一个日本女人的画像(Kuroki夫人)` Portrait of a Japanese Woman (Mrs. Kuroki) by Edmond Francois Aman-Jean

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰及其父母的孩子`The Virgin and Child with St. John and His Parents by Jacob Jordaens

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰及其父母的孩子`The Virgin and Child with St. John and His Parents by Jacob Jordaens

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