17世纪尼德兰风景画艺术家 组图

洗碗女佣`The Scullery Maid

洗碗女佣`The Scullery Maid

陶器小贩`The Crockery Vendor by Francisco Goya

陶器小贩`The Crockery Vendor by Francisco Goya

月亮上的女孩`The Girl in the Moon by Charles Allan Gilbert

月亮上的女孩`The Girl in the Moon by Charles Allan Gilbert

网球比赛,1885年`The Tennis Match, 1885 by Sir John Lavery

网球比赛,1885年`The Tennis Match, 1885 by Sir John Lavery

路易斯·艾斯纳,后来成为敖德沙基公主`Luise Eisner, Later Princess Odeschalchi

路易斯·艾斯纳,后来成为敖德沙基公主`Luise Eisner, Later Princess Odeschalchi

女孩还是花瓶,艰难的决定`The Girl or the Vase, Hard Decision by Henryk Siemiradzki

女孩还是花瓶,艰难的决定`The Girl or the Vase, Hard Decision by Henryk Siemiradzki

哈尔斯塔特湖的达克斯坦景观`View of the Dachstein with Lake Hallstatt  by Ferdinand Georg

哈尔斯塔特湖的达克斯坦景观`View of the Dachstein with Lake Hallstatt by Ferdinand Georg

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