马赛克笔风景画手绘 组图

圣母玛利亚小时候睡着了1655年`The Virgin Mary as a Child, Asleep, 1655 by Francisco de Zurbaran

圣母玛利亚小时候睡着了1655年`The Virgin Mary as a Child, Asleep, 1655 by Francisco de Zurbaran

Little girl in a red waistcoat (1926)  by Tadeusz Makowski

红色背心的小女孩` Little girl in a red waistcoat (1926) by Tadeusz Makowski



1826年爱斯基摩人之地的一名女子`A Woman from the Land of Eskimos, 1826 by Leon Cogniet

1826年爱斯基摩人之地的一名女子`A Woman from the Land of Eskimos, 1826 by Leon Cogniet

一位女士的肖像,西娅·普罗克托`Portrait of a Lady, Thea Proctor by George Washington Lambert

一位女士的肖像,西娅·普罗克托`Portrait of a Lady, Thea Proctor by George Washington Lambert

保龄球馆`The Bowling Alley by Johann Hamza

保龄球馆`The Bowling Alley by Johann Hamza

一次被咬,两次害羞`Once Bit, Twice shy by Charles Burton Barber

一次被咬,两次害羞`Once Bit, Twice shy by Charles Burton Barber

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