色彩风景画绘画山树 组图

晨报`Morning News

晨报`Morning News

麦当娜,1895年`Madonna, 1895 by Edvard Munch

麦当娜,1895年`Madonna, 1895 by Edvard Munch

盲人女孩`The Blind Girl

盲人女孩`The Blind Girl

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

在田野休息`Rest In Field

在田野休息`Rest In Field

一位年轻女子的肖像,西蒙内塔·维斯普奇作为仙女的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman, Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci as Nymph by Sandro Botticelli

一位年轻女子的肖像,西蒙内塔·维斯普奇作为仙女的肖像`Portrait of a Young Woman, Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci as Nymph by Sandro Botticelli

阿里阿德涅被忒修斯抛弃,1774年`Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus, 1774 by Angelica Kauffmann

阿里阿德涅被忒修斯抛弃,1774年`Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus, 1774 by Angelica Kauffmann

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