绿化风景画 组图

奴隶的呈现`The Presentation of the Slave by Henryk Siemiradzki

奴隶的呈现`The Presentation of the Slave by Henryk Siemiradzki

洛格,1878-1880年`The Loge, 1878-1880 by Mary Cassatt

洛格,1878-1880年`The Loge, 1878-1880 by Mary Cassatt

Hat, Lady and Little Table. (1932)  by Paul Klee

帽子,夫人和小桌子。` Hat, Lady and Little Table. (1932) by Paul Klee

Head of a girl with a half~open mouth (1919)  by Tadeusz Makowski

一个女孩的头部有半张嘴` Head of a girl with a half~open mouth (1919) by Tadeusz Makowski

怀着愉快的期待`In Delightful Anticipation by Auguste Toulmouche

怀着愉快的期待`In Delightful Anticipation by Auguste Toulmouche

芦苇切割器`The Reed Cutter by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

芦苇切割器`The Reed Cutter by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

省级婚礼`Provincial Wedding by Gerda Wegener

省级婚礼`Provincial Wedding by Gerda Wegener

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