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奉献,1908年`Devotion, 1908 by Piet Mondrian

奉献,1908年`Devotion, 1908 by Piet Mondrian

基督在复活后向抹大拉的马利亚显现`Christ\’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection

基督在复活后向抹大拉的马利亚显现`Christ\’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection

基督和圣母在拿撒勒的房子里,1640年`Christ and the Virgin in the House at Nazareth, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

基督和圣母在拿撒勒的房子里,1640年`Christ and the Virgin in the House at Nazareth, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

卡梅利塔·雷克纳`Carmelita Requena

卡梅利塔·雷克纳`Carmelita Requena

梦魇,1846年`Nightmare, 1846 by Ditlev Blunck

梦魇,1846年`Nightmare, 1846 by Ditlev Blunck

在松林中——研究`In A Pine Wood – Study

在松林中——研究`In A Pine Wood – Study

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

多萝西·昆西·罗斯福小姐`Miss Dorothy Quincey Roosevelt by John White Alexander

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