黑白风景画大全简单 组图

弗拉基米尔夫人`Our Lady of Vladimir by Russian Icon

弗拉基米尔夫人`Our Lady of Vladimir by Russian Icon

波浪模糊了`The Wave-La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

波浪模糊了`The Wave-La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

卡林·奥斯伯格夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Carin Ostberg by Axel Torneman

卡林·奥斯伯格夫人的肖像`Portrait of Mrs. Carin Ostberg by Axel Torneman

金鱼`The Goldfish by William Stephen Coleman

金鱼`The Goldfish by William Stephen Coleman

米拉蒙侯爵肖像画,1866年`Portrait of the Marquise de Miramon, 1866 by James Tissot

米拉蒙侯爵肖像画,1866年`Portrait of the Marquise de Miramon, 1866 by James Tissot

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

朱丽叶亲吻她的护士`Juliet Kissing her Nurse by Francesco Hayez

跳蚤捕手`The Flea Catcher by Georges de La Tour

跳蚤捕手`The Flea Catcher by Georges de La Tour

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