一年级庆祝春节的绘画作品 组图

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

十字架上的殉道者,圣朱莉娅`Martyr on the Cross, Saint Julia by Gabriel von Max

年轻的牧羊女`The Young Shepherdess by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

年轻的牧羊女`The Young Shepherdess by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

国别访问`Country Visit

国别访问`Country Visit

穿灰色衣服的女士`A Lady in Grey by Daniel Macnee

穿灰色衣服的女士`A Lady in Grey by Daniel Macnee

西斯廷教堂Delphic Sibyl`Delphic Sibyl, Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

西斯廷教堂Delphic Sibyl`Delphic Sibyl, Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

1888年《揭开面纱》`Unmasked, 1888 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

1888年《揭开面纱》`Unmasked, 1888 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

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