好看的雄伟高山蜡笔风景画 初中 组图

丘比特与灵魂之屋`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

丘比特与灵魂之屋`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

对欧罗巴的强奸`The Rape of Europa

对欧罗巴的强奸`The Rape of Europa

塔拉里·马鲁鲁,《带两只山羊的风景》,1897年`Tarari Maruru, Landscape with Two Goats, 1897 by Paul Gauguin

塔拉里·马鲁鲁,《带两只山羊的风景》,1897年`Tarari Maruru, Landscape with Two Goats, 1897 by Paul Gauguin

采摘野花`Picking Wildflowers by Marie-Francois Firmin-Gerard

采摘野花`Picking Wildflowers by Marie-Francois Firmin-Gerard

在巴黎郊区`In the Outskirts of Paris

在巴黎郊区`In the Outskirts of Paris

情书,1808年`The Love Letter, 1808 by Willem Bartel van der Kooi

情书,1808年`The Love Letter, 1808 by Willem Bartel van der Kooi

大约在1671年,一个女人和她的女佣一起写信`Woman Writing a Letter, with Her Maid, circa 1671 by 维米尔

大约在1671年,一个女人和她的女佣一起写信`Woman Writing a Letter, with Her Maid, circa 1671 by 维米尔

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