田园风景画体会 组图

康复者`A Convalescent

康复者`A Convalescent

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

在谷仓里挤奶的女佣`A Maid Milking A Cow In A Barn

在谷仓里挤奶的女佣`A Maid Milking A Cow In A Barn

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

约翰娜·范德伦,布德维扬·君士坦丁堡的女儿`Johanna van Vlanderen, the daughter of Budweijan Constantinople by Albert De Vriendt

一位女士的肖像,1490年`Portrait of a Lady, 1490 by Domenico Ghirlandaio

一位女士的肖像,1490年`Portrait of a Lady, 1490 by Domenico Ghirlandaio

玫瑰圣母`The Madonna of the Rosary

玫瑰圣母`The Madonna of the Rosary

节日的问候`Season\’s Greeting

节日的问候`Season\’s Greeting

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