恬静的风景画所要表达的心情 组图

1899年10月30日Strandgade室内`Interior, Strandgade 30, 1899 by Vilhelm Hammershoi

1899年10月30日Strandgade室内`Interior, Strandgade 30, 1899 by Vilhelm Hammershoi

英国-无罪`British – Not Guilty

英国-无罪`British – Not Guilty

裸女斜倚`Nude Woman Reclining by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

裸女斜倚`Nude Woman Reclining by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

帕拉斯和半人马`Pallas and Centaur  by Sandro Botticelli

帕拉斯和半人马`Pallas and Centaur by Sandro Botticelli

从早到晚,总有人心碎`Never Morning Wore to Evening but Some Heart Did Break by Walter Langley

从早到晚,总有人心碎`Never Morning Wore to Evening but Some Heart Did Break by Walter Langley

理查德、格洛斯特公爵和安妮夫人`Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and the Lady Anne by Edwin Austin Abbey

理查德、格洛斯特公爵和安妮夫人`Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and the Lady Anne by Edwin Austin Abbey

在杂耍中,舞台上的男人和女人`In Vaudeville, Man and Woman on Stage by Charles Demuth

在杂耍中,舞台上的男人和女人`In Vaudeville, Man and Woman on Stage by Charles Demuth

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