彩色描线风景画 组图

梅·吉利兰肖像`Portrait of May Gillilan by Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys

梅·吉利兰肖像`Portrait of May Gillilan by Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys

克劳德·雷诺阿`Claude Renoir by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

克劳德·雷诺阿`Claude Renoir by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

中央公园购物中心`The Mall, Central Park by Maurice Prendergast

中央公园购物中心`The Mall, Central Park by Maurice Prendergast

在苏格兰教堂里收集祭品`Collecting The Offering In A Scottish Kirk

在苏格兰教堂里收集祭品`Collecting The Offering In A Scottish Kirk

《三博士崇拜》,1508-1519年`The Adoration of the Magi, 1508-1519 by Juan de Flandes

《三博士崇拜》,1508-1519年`The Adoration of the Magi, 1508-1519 by Juan de Flandes

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

商人的妻子在喝茶`Merchant\’s Wife at Tea

商人的妻子在喝茶`Merchant\’s Wife at Tea

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